I rarely comment on sites like this one BUT these are so, so pretty. Could you please post the type of paint and the colors you used? Thanks.ReplyCancel
Good call on the little flower water container since the first time I tried this the stems of the flowers scraped off the paint and you could see it. Lovely color selection too!ReplyCancel
RT @NaomiVGoodman: Spotted another lovely idea that you are going to love! You can use this for your home or wedding decor! http://t.co/2UmvJd2zZXReplyCancel
Adding chocolate wax seals to your wedding day treats is such sweat idea. Show off your creative side and surprise your guests with this unexpected fun and personalized detail…more after the jump!
L O V E this! My parents had an autumn wedding and growing up I thought they’d been so silly not to marry in the spring–now I completely understand the appeal!ReplyCancel
This post makes me happy! I love this time of year and table decor that includes fruit and leaves and pretty earth tones. I also wouldn’t mind a glass of cider right now too! 🙂ReplyCancel
Uhm yes! That first image is perfection. I couldn’t agree with you more that fall is the most romantic time of the year to get married and host a giant party! 🙂ReplyCancel
Every wedding day deserves to have a little whimsy to add to the celebration. Decorate your shower or wedding day with a darling wedding banner by Michie May.
Don’t miss today’s wedding idea of the week! It’s a good one! http://t.co/qDwyBjmoV9
Love that idea!! RT @NaomiVGoodman: Another fun and “Lovely Idea” perfect for bridal party photos http://t.co/q5DokFsaRv #weddingideas