Paris, Je T’aime

A reader/friend realized that I do not mention Paris on Inside the Lovely as often as I did on my previous blog. I thought, “Many blogs talk about Paris so why should I? Why should I bore my readers?” Then I realized I usually talk about Paris for different reasons than others might know. I decided to scratch today’s scheduled post and instead, share with you, as briefly, as I could why Paris means so much to me. Paris, je t’aime, I really do.

Paris is special to me for many reasons; it is the city that my husband got down on bended knee on the oldest and my favorite bridge to ask me if I would spend the rest of my life by his side as his wife. It is in Paris that I cried as I replied, “Yes, I will.” Paris is the city that my father and my husband spoke on the phone for the first and only time. It is also the city that I last heard my father’s voice before his passing. It is the city that we have spent countless hours walking its streets with no direction yet we ended up exactly where we needed to be. Life changing moments and memories took place in Paris; how could it not be a part of my life? My last memory of my father took place in a city I wish I could have shared with him. The one thing my dad always wanted for me was to find love and happiness. And although the idea of love and forever began here in the US, it was given to me with a ring and a promise in Paris.

You see for me, this fabled city is much more than the Eiffel Tower, Ladurée, Île de la Cité, or the Louvre. Yes, those places are iconic; however they barely scratch the surface of the city and its culture. For me, Paris is where my life and all that I knew before changed…in so many ways. My eyes always fill up with happy tears when the plane begins its decent into Charles De Gaulle and then again with sad tears as we board the plane that will take us home. I will always love Paris. So much that it is where I intend to spend many of my days when I no longer have to worry about going back home because I will already be there.

thirtlife:</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>one day … <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

NY003 Tuesday Shoe Day   Ready for your close up? 

  chanel2 Thursday Purse Day    Start ‘em young!



bike stations in paris!  

Sweet congratulations to my friends… Alicia who launched her new site Giving the Good Life and to the husband and wife team, Kristen & Adam at Bonafide Bride {soon to be Reverie} which just revealed their new company name and logo! I hope you have a lovely weekend, friends!

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