Tag Archives: etsy

A Simple Lovely :: Love Knot X 3 Ring

Etsy Love Knot Ring X 3

A perfectly delicate sailor’s knot ring is a simple lovely for your right hand or in place of your wedding band. A reminder of enduring unbreakable love.

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Idea of the Week :: Sequined Love Sign via Etsy

sequined love sign via pocket full of dreams

This week’s idea of the week is a fun giant shimmery sequined LOVE sign via Pocket Full of Dreams …because love should be big and shimmery! See the gold one after the jump!

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The Lovely Marketplace – Sara Paloma Ceramics

With all the parties that will be hosted in your honor as the newly engaged, it’s only proper that you give the host/hostess a token of your appreciation. It is always nice to gift something that your hostess might love and not put away in the hallway closet. If you know their preferences, it’s easier...

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